#009 Mistakes

Seems like i often have typo or mistakes in my blog, (even the age i also got it wrongly), but thanks fish for pointing it out for me.










#008 50th Month =^-^=^-^=

Yesterday was 26 Nov 2010,
I still remember 50 months ago that faithful day, in the mac, my life changed. Ever since then my life gets better and better, even today, i'm glad that i meet you...

Life is short, meeting the right one depends on luck. Some may meet later in their lives, some may never meet the right one. But me? I never expected myself to be so lucky, to meet the right one at age 17. (note that i use the word "meet" not "find", chinese has a saying "可遇不可求". )

I dont ask for more, just hope that you dont leave me at all.
Unlike cats, our lives only have one, and i want to be with you like one.
With you, together, forever, and ever.

Wei Ni


#007 Journey to the West

Today is 25 Nov 2010,
for this week lessons, MTH 110 and MTH 114 are having e-learning week. So this week was rather free, today only have an hour MTH 112 lecture at 1.30 - 2.30pm. But today i left house at 12.15pm, just nice a few min before lecture starts, lect ends rather on time, i reach home at 3.45pm.

12.15 - 3.45pm is 3.5 hrs! I spent 2.5 hrs on travelling? The phrase "time flies" fits perfectly in this situation. For the first year i'm staying in hall, can wake up at around 7.30am for 8.30 lesson. Even have enough time for a bath and breakfast and walk to South Spine for lesson. If i wanna go for 8.30 lesson from home, i have to leave house by latest 6.15am! Its too time consuming and tiring thing to do.

But on the other hand, its not cheap to stay in hall... They claim to be $160 per month, but from the bill, its $40 per week. Some joker (already got one) already ask me "isn't it the same? 1 month is 4 weeks wat?" <----- yet studying accounting, really joker. I must stress - the only month that is 4 weeks is February, and it occurs only 3 times every 4 years (generally). For the rest of the months, they are 30 or 31 days, equivalent to approximately 4.2857 or 4.4286 (correct to 4 decimal places) weeks! Does this 0.4 weeks plus matters? Of cos! E.g. Take from Sept to Dec (4 months) for example. $160 per month, so i pay $640? WRONG!

122/7=17.4285 (4 dec. pl.) weeks
In addition there is wat transfer fee, miscellaneous fee, etc...
Its over $730++.

I'm not complaining about the fee dont tally with wat they claim initially, i know staying in hall do cost money. What i wanna say is i'm in between the choice of money and time.
Money - from my parents, its isn't cheap for them to pay for my uni tuition fee, hall fee, pocket money...
Time - time wasted on travelling, time to spend with family, to spend with fish, to spend with frens (sorry ppl, you are placed after her. =P), etc...

But next year i wont be staying in hall, so its left with how i manage my time and try to find things to do during the travelling time (so it wont be totally wasted). Wonder how will it be like in the future... Okay, enough diarying... Time for other stuff... Oh! Forgot to mention why the title in Journey to the West, cos my school is in the west of Singapore, what else?

Wei Ni


#006 New Diary

During army time i started a blog, wrote a couple of super simplified diary tat only i can understand what does it mean. But after awhile i gave up, lazy to write. Now when i read back, i could hardly understand what am i writing myself. All the short forms and acronyms, i cant remember what do they mean.
Diaries are meant for one to read back someday, reminding oneself of his or her past. Ironically, i dont understand my own diary blog.

Now starting my 4 years uni life, maybe should try to start a new blog. This time must write more clearly, so i can recall what happen in the past.

Its interesting to have labels that have same initial letters - Tea Time Talk, Final Fantasy Fan, Day Dream Diary. Wonder what else can i come up with next time. This is quite short compare to my FFF post. Next time then write new longer post.

Wei Ni (not for the one who dont understand)


#005 Final Fantasy VII - Godo, Yuffie's Father

After getting Yuffie, the sailing "plane", you can go to Wutai, Yuffie's hometown. After the Wutai event, you can revisit it and have Yuffie challenge the 5 god Pagoda. By completing it you get the the Leviathan summon materia.

You can either challenge the Pagoda immediately after the "materia theif" event, or come back again some other time when you are more well prepared. For me, i recommend to come back at a later time. Probably at the beginning of dics 2, when you have your third 3 enemy skill materia. (i will address more on it in future post on enemy skill materia)

Why come back after having the third enemy skill materia? Reason being after the Northern Crater event, the Pagoda tower last boss, Godo - Yuffie's father, is the only enemy left in the game with enemy skill "Trine", if you didnt get "Trine" from him into your third enemy skill materia, you can never have all your 3 enemy skills materia mastered.

Back to challenging the Pagoda tower, i will not talk about the details of defeating the first 4 bosses, as they are relatively easy (equipping Added-Effect materia link with Time materia in your weapon is more than enough to win) and most of the important notes are already available in the guide book. Things tat i want to address in the blog are those that are not found, or i think it is important but it not stressed in the guide book. Which in this case is a easier way of winning Godo.

The simplified method of winning is as followed:
  • Obtain enemy skill "Magic Hammer" from Razor Weed (Wutai area or the Wutai Mountain), learn by manipulating it and cast on yourself
  • Have Poison materia equipped (optional)
  • Cast enemy skill "Big Guard" at the start of match (thats my way of playing, its optional)
  • Where to learn "Big Guard"? Once again, in future post on enemy skill materia
  • Drag the match, keep both Yuffie and Godo alive, until Godo cast "Trine" so u can learn it
  • Now start spamming "Magic Hammer" to drain all Godo's mana
  • When he is dried, cast bio/bio2 (bio3 too mana consuming) until it is poisoned (optional)
  • No point elaborating how to torture him further, just end it

As you know, the hardest part about fighting Godo is that he will cure himself. So by draining off all his mana you can easily remove his greatest advantage.


#004 Final Fantasy VII - Mystile

I actually going to blog about tips on playing Final Fantasy 7. Some may think i might be crazy, posting tips on a 13 years old game, like as if there is still ppl using ps1 to play FF7.
I know its a bit too late to post things about FF7, but i always want to share them with ppl. But sad to say i had forgotten quite alot too. So i just try to post whatever i remember.
Last thing, you can always play back FF7 in psp. But finding the .iso file is the problem, but if u really wanna replay FF7, or even try FF7. It worths it!

I shall start with one of the last armor to get from the game, Mystile.
Linked Slots: 6
Growth Rate: Normal
Defense: 65
Defense %: 50
Magic Defense: 72
Magic Defense %: 60
Elements: normal

To me, mystile is the best armor in the game, with relatively high physical and magical defense, with the highest evasion rate and no serious disadvantage.But sad to say we can only find 2 mystile. However there is a "trick", or "bug", to get 3 mystile.
Where to get the 2 mystile:
1) (if i'm not wrong) At the ending of disc 2, when back to midgar, on the way up to sister ray.
2) inside northern crater, in the right path. Either you choose to go down the right path to get, or have Tifa going right path (while you take the left path.

For those who are lazy or not interested to read all the elaboration, the steps are:

  • send Tifa to the right path while you take the left path (rest of the team splitting up to you)
  • choose the upper path
  • when reach the end point, do NOT go to the stairs which going down to the core of the crater
  • head back to the start point where you split your team left and right
  • this time take the right path
  • extra note: on the right path there is Dragon Zombie, which is crucial for completing your enemy skill.
  • my suggestion is equip all 3 enemy skill materia that you want to master to your team, kill Dragon Zombie as fast as possible (before it runs out of mana), and you will get Pandora's Box skill. (details on enemy skills will be in future post on enemy skill materia)
  • on the right path take mystile
  • when back to the end point, now go to meet your other team mates, talk to Tifa and you will get the third mystile!!!

Why this trick works? Note that there is total of 3 paths: Right path, Left-Upper path and Left-Lower path. The idea of the splitting the team in the Northern crater is that: for the path that you didnt not initially choose, but you send some of your character over, those character will "help" you collect the items along their path that you send them. And you can collect the items from them at the end of the path where everyone gather. After that, the chests on the other 2 paths will be empty. (As your team mates had collected the items for you)

I cant really remember which character going which path will get what item, but i know that only Tifa going the right path, she will collect the mystile for you, other characters going right will collect other stuff. (do let me know if there is other characters who can collect it). Hence by sending Tifa to the right path while you going to left path, she will help you collect the mystile on that path.

However, the items from other paths will only disappear if you walk to the end and meet all your team mates. Hence before meeting them, if you are able to back-track back (only one way back, other 2 paths ends with a cliff and cant jump back up) to the start point and walk the right path yourself, you can collect mystile yourself which by right had already been collected by Tifa. And when you reach the end point again, now go talk to Tifa and you will get the third mystile!

Note that on the right path there is Dragon Zombie which will use Pandora's Box once in the entire game during the first encounter as its final skill when its hp reaches 0. So its important that it is killed with sufficient mana to cast Pandora's Box, else you will miss this skill forever!

There are also a few hard to get enemy skills, i will talk more about it in another post. This post maybe a bit too unnecessarily long, in short just to tell you how to get total of 3 mystile and not to miss your enemy skill.


#003 It's your choice

There are alot of choices to make in life. But i must say there are no good or bad choices, right or wrong choices, there is also no such thing as "no choice". Let me explain my point of view.

They are just choices, they dont hold any significances. It is the 1)person who make the choices, 2) the process of the choices which you made, and 3) the outcomes or consequences of the choices you made have. These 3 factors are the ones that come out with the conclusion/ judgement of saying its a good or bad choice.

I seem like saying some nonsenses or u may think "duh?". But i really wanna say is people tends to accept what is beneficial and what is to their advantage. When something bad or undesired outcome occurs, they will target the "choices" they made and claim that they are BAD choices. The choices are innocents! They are just there for us to choose, it is us who to take it.

So we must keep reminding ourselves that choices are for us to make, so when we have some outcomes that we dislike, we must tell ourselves that we make the choice, we should be responsible for our decision. Have no regrets for we have choose.

Think i'm going too off-track... Anyway, about the bubble tea from the previous post. My guess is its a intended pun, to have both a chinese word and an english word. I think more singaporean call it KOI cos they are more sensitive to english word then chinese. As for me... i saw "豆" first. haha. So whether you wanna call it KOI or 豆 its all up to you. Its your choice. :)


#002 "KOI" or "豆"?

Since my blog name is milkteaisthebest, i shall start my blog talking about milktea.

Currently, (or it has been quite awhile) these milktea stores have been doing quite well, no matter where they set their outlet, there is always long queue of ppl willing to spend 10min (+5min) to buy a cup of milktea with dozens of small tapioca balls.

What puzzles me is
1) the name of the shop "KOI"? Or "豆"?
2)What is so special about this milktea that is cost about 60% more expensive than stores like "sweet talk", "each-a-cup", but yet the queue is about 600% longer than latter stores.

I went to tried the mliktea too, at least 3 times.
I have to acknowledge tat it is indeed nicer than some other bubbletea, in terms of the milk in the tea and the minipearls. I love to drink milktea alot, much more than any of my friends tat i know of. I have to say tat in term of the milktea, it is one of the best milktea i had drank so far. (Suddenly remember tat Hong Kong Cafe's milktea also one of the best.)

However, i do look at the price of the milktea too, and in my personal opinion, its still doesnt worth $2.40 for a cup and the long waiting time. If u ask me, I wont stop ppl from buying it, nor will i recommand ppl to buy it. But of coz sometime, maybe i will buy another cup again too...


#001 A new blog

starting of a new blog...
how long will this blog last?
wat will i write on the blog?
how often will i be blogging?
i, myself also donno. juz see how it goes ba...
