#006 New Diary

During army time i started a blog, wrote a couple of super simplified diary tat only i can understand what does it mean. But after awhile i gave up, lazy to write. Now when i read back, i could hardly understand what am i writing myself. All the short forms and acronyms, i cant remember what do they mean.
Diaries are meant for one to read back someday, reminding oneself of his or her past. Ironically, i dont understand my own diary blog.

Now starting my 4 years uni life, maybe should try to start a new blog. This time must write more clearly, so i can recall what happen in the past.

Its interesting to have labels that have same initial letters - Tea Time Talk, Final Fantasy Fan, Day Dream Diary. Wonder what else can i come up with next time. This is quite short compare to my FFF post. Next time then write new longer post.

Wei Ni (not for the one who dont understand)


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