#005 Final Fantasy VII - Godo, Yuffie's Father

After getting Yuffie, the sailing "plane", you can go to Wutai, Yuffie's hometown. After the Wutai event, you can revisit it and have Yuffie challenge the 5 god Pagoda. By completing it you get the the Leviathan summon materia.

You can either challenge the Pagoda immediately after the "materia theif" event, or come back again some other time when you are more well prepared. For me, i recommend to come back at a later time. Probably at the beginning of dics 2, when you have your third 3 enemy skill materia. (i will address more on it in future post on enemy skill materia)

Why come back after having the third enemy skill materia? Reason being after the Northern Crater event, the Pagoda tower last boss, Godo - Yuffie's father, is the only enemy left in the game with enemy skill "Trine", if you didnt get "Trine" from him into your third enemy skill materia, you can never have all your 3 enemy skills materia mastered.

Back to challenging the Pagoda tower, i will not talk about the details of defeating the first 4 bosses, as they are relatively easy (equipping Added-Effect materia link with Time materia in your weapon is more than enough to win) and most of the important notes are already available in the guide book. Things tat i want to address in the blog are those that are not found, or i think it is important but it not stressed in the guide book. Which in this case is a easier way of winning Godo.

The simplified method of winning is as followed:
  • Obtain enemy skill "Magic Hammer" from Razor Weed (Wutai area or the Wutai Mountain), learn by manipulating it and cast on yourself
  • Have Poison materia equipped (optional)
  • Cast enemy skill "Big Guard" at the start of match (thats my way of playing, its optional)
  • Where to learn "Big Guard"? Once again, in future post on enemy skill materia
  • Drag the match, keep both Yuffie and Godo alive, until Godo cast "Trine" so u can learn it
  • Now start spamming "Magic Hammer" to drain all Godo's mana
  • When he is dried, cast bio/bio2 (bio3 too mana consuming) until it is poisoned (optional)
  • No point elaborating how to torture him further, just end it

As you know, the hardest part about fighting Godo is that he will cure himself. So by draining off all his mana you can easily remove his greatest advantage.


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