#004 Final Fantasy VII - Mystile

I actually going to blog about tips on playing Final Fantasy 7. Some may think i might be crazy, posting tips on a 13 years old game, like as if there is still ppl using ps1 to play FF7.
I know its a bit too late to post things about FF7, but i always want to share them with ppl. But sad to say i had forgotten quite alot too. So i just try to post whatever i remember.
Last thing, you can always play back FF7 in psp. But finding the .iso file is the problem, but if u really wanna replay FF7, or even try FF7. It worths it!

I shall start with one of the last armor to get from the game, Mystile.
Linked Slots: 6
Growth Rate: Normal
Defense: 65
Defense %: 50
Magic Defense: 72
Magic Defense %: 60
Elements: normal

To me, mystile is the best armor in the game, with relatively high physical and magical defense, with the highest evasion rate and no serious disadvantage.But sad to say we can only find 2 mystile. However there is a "trick", or "bug", to get 3 mystile.
Where to get the 2 mystile:
1) (if i'm not wrong) At the ending of disc 2, when back to midgar, on the way up to sister ray.
2) inside northern crater, in the right path. Either you choose to go down the right path to get, or have Tifa going right path (while you take the left path.

For those who are lazy or not interested to read all the elaboration, the steps are:

  • send Tifa to the right path while you take the left path (rest of the team splitting up to you)
  • choose the upper path
  • when reach the end point, do NOT go to the stairs which going down to the core of the crater
  • head back to the start point where you split your team left and right
  • this time take the right path
  • extra note: on the right path there is Dragon Zombie, which is crucial for completing your enemy skill.
  • my suggestion is equip all 3 enemy skill materia that you want to master to your team, kill Dragon Zombie as fast as possible (before it runs out of mana), and you will get Pandora's Box skill. (details on enemy skills will be in future post on enemy skill materia)
  • on the right path take mystile
  • when back to the end point, now go to meet your other team mates, talk to Tifa and you will get the third mystile!!!

Why this trick works? Note that there is total of 3 paths: Right path, Left-Upper path and Left-Lower path. The idea of the splitting the team in the Northern crater is that: for the path that you didnt not initially choose, but you send some of your character over, those character will "help" you collect the items along their path that you send them. And you can collect the items from them at the end of the path where everyone gather. After that, the chests on the other 2 paths will be empty. (As your team mates had collected the items for you)

I cant really remember which character going which path will get what item, but i know that only Tifa going the right path, she will collect the mystile for you, other characters going right will collect other stuff. (do let me know if there is other characters who can collect it). Hence by sending Tifa to the right path while you going to left path, she will help you collect the mystile on that path.

However, the items from other paths will only disappear if you walk to the end and meet all your team mates. Hence before meeting them, if you are able to back-track back (only one way back, other 2 paths ends with a cliff and cant jump back up) to the start point and walk the right path yourself, you can collect mystile yourself which by right had already been collected by Tifa. And when you reach the end point again, now go talk to Tifa and you will get the third mystile!

Note that on the right path there is Dragon Zombie which will use Pandora's Box once in the entire game during the first encounter as its final skill when its hp reaches 0. So its important that it is killed with sufficient mana to cast Pandora's Box, else you will miss this skill forever!

There are also a few hard to get enemy skills, i will talk more about it in another post. This post maybe a bit too unnecessarily long, in short just to tell you how to get total of 3 mystile and not to miss your enemy skill.



  1. erm it doesnt work on the pc version as when you go back to the original path you split up on to collect it cloud says 'we'll leave this to Tifa' lol

    1. According to the website: http://thebrink.us/ffvii/craterduplication.htm
      This glitch might be removed in some version of FF7, I personally did not try it when I first played it on PC, international version.
      I had tried and succeeded on the PSP version.
