#003 It's your choice

There are alot of choices to make in life. But i must say there are no good or bad choices, right or wrong choices, there is also no such thing as "no choice". Let me explain my point of view.

They are just choices, they dont hold any significances. It is the 1)person who make the choices, 2) the process of the choices which you made, and 3) the outcomes or consequences of the choices you made have. These 3 factors are the ones that come out with the conclusion/ judgement of saying its a good or bad choice.

I seem like saying some nonsenses or u may think "duh?". But i really wanna say is people tends to accept what is beneficial and what is to their advantage. When something bad or undesired outcome occurs, they will target the "choices" they made and claim that they are BAD choices. The choices are innocents! They are just there for us to choose, it is us who to take it.

So we must keep reminding ourselves that choices are for us to make, so when we have some outcomes that we dislike, we must tell ourselves that we make the choice, we should be responsible for our decision. Have no regrets for we have choose.

Think i'm going too off-track... Anyway, about the bubble tea from the previous post. My guess is its a intended pun, to have both a chinese word and an english word. I think more singaporean call it KOI cos they are more sensitive to english word then chinese. As for me... i saw "豆" first. haha. So whether you wanna call it KOI or 豆 its all up to you. Its your choice. :)


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