#029 Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers V

Continued from Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers IV.

Since this post only have one last character to introduce, I just add another 2 pictures that shows all the characters' faces. Actually the faces doesn't really have much significant, its the clothings and the weapons that they use make them standout.

Sephiroth, the primary antagonist for Final Fantasy VII. This picture is the signature for Sephiroth, when he learnt the truth about his idenity, he went crazy and started slaughting and burning down Nibelheim, and this scene was Sephiroth walking into the sea of fire after wiping out Cloud's hometown.

Actually Sephiroth is also rather a tragic character, ever since he was born, he never seen his mother, Lucrecia Crescent. He was told that his mother's name is Jenova. Since young he knows that he is different from others - white hair, extrodinary strength and physical. (More details of his story was mentioned in Crisis Core, here i shall not say too much about his story)

In fact, from what I see, in the originial Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth wasn't created as a left-handed person. For most of the scenes in FF7, Sephiroth actually uses right-hand. It is until Advent Children, then he and his remnants were "officially" recognised as left-handers.

Sephiroth has his own charisma, which make many guys (including me) to like him. Strangly why would I "like" a GUY, with LONG WHITE hair? I myself can't put it in words to explain.

Actually most of the ficitional characters that I like are "Villians", as in they are not those upright, holy, justice person. Beside Sephiroth, I do like Asakura Hao from Shaman King, which also has long hair, and Alucard from Hellsing, which also has long hair (at times).

They all shared several things in common, they are ficitional characters "made-in-japan", they all are very strong, and they know clearly what they want and often they remain calm and cool in most situations. Well, that all I have to say. Hope you like that pictures that I posted. From left to right - Cait Sith, Aeris, Vincent, Yuffie, Red XIII (foremost), Cloud, Cid, Tifa, Barret.

Last but not least, Sephiroth.

Maybe I will post their picture from Advent Children next time...


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