#028 Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers IV

Continued from Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers III.

It has been quite sometime since i update these FF7 wallpapers posts. So i try to put some links so it will be easier to find the previous posts. After this 3 characters there is still left with one final character.

Cait Sith, which is actually the name for the "cat" and not the huge white "moogle". Standing in front of the Chocobo Racing stadium in Gold Saucer. In fact, both of them are robots, and Cait Sith is controlled by a person name Reeve Tuesti, from Shinra Co., and the Cait Sith then controls the huge moogle robot to fight. Moogles are small cute creatures which also appear in several Final Fantasy games, just like Chocobo and Cactuars.

Anyway, initially Cait Sith was sent by Shinra Co. to join Cloud and his team to spy on them. However, as the journey goes on, Cait Sith (or i should say Reeve Tuesti) was moved by Cloud and others for their mission to stop Sephiroth and save Gaia. And near the ending of disc2, Cait Sith helped Cloud and others to infiltrate into Shinra Co. and stopped Hojo, the leading scientist of Shinra Co. , and his evil deeds. (it will be too long and wordy to explain the whole story, so if you are interested, go play FF7!)

Despite Cait Sith is just a robot and everyone knows Reeve was behind and controlling it, Reeve seldom shows himself, i wonder where exactly is his "control centre" for controlling Cait Sith. In the movie Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, Cait Sith rode on Red XIII instead of his own moogle robot and Cait Sith doesn't really fights. I think maybe when he sits on something he will boost the moral and fighting abilities of his mount. (Just my guessing)

Vincent Valentine, formerly a member of turks (about thirty years ago), was first introduced when Cloud finds him sleeping in a coffin in the secret basement of Shinra Mansion located at Nibelheim. He is a optional character in the original FF7 game. According to the timeline, Vincent is supposed to be over-fifty years old, but he still seems to be at his prime. Reason being that thirty years ago, he was implanted with a "protomateria", a special and unique materia. I'm not sure what exactly are the effects of the protomateria on Vincent, but it seems that it stopped Vincent from ageing.

The details about the story of Vincent wasn't really told in the original Final Fantasy 7, the rough idea was that Vincent loves a female scientist Lucrecia Crescent, who ended up as Hojo's wife. Vincent tried but couldn't stop Hojo from using Lucrecia as a human experiment on Jenova's cells. Feeling guilty for unable to stop the tragic, he slept in the coffin for decades until Cloud finds him. After learning Cloud's mission, he decided to follow Cloud to stop Sephiroth and hopefully able to redeem his "sins".

As for what and who is Jenova, in short "she" is an alien which crushed on Gaia thousand of years ago and wanted to take over Gaia but failed. Though physically she seems dead but her cells and conscious are still active, and is the main source of evil in Final Fantasy 7.

More about Vincent was told in the Dirge of Cerberus : Final Fantasy VII on ps2 and Dirge of Cerberus Lost Epiosde : Final Fantasy VII on mobile handhone. Sadly i didn't play both of them as i don't have ps2 and the handphone game is only available in jap.

And one last thing, this is the only background that i don't know where and when does that happen, my best guess is at Kalm or Nibelheim when the meteor is about to crush onto Gaia. However, Vincent suppose to be on the aircraft highwind together with Cloud and others. Maybe if you didn't find Vincent to join your team, and at the end of the game he woke up from his coffin and climb to the roof to see the end of the world. Or maybe i just think too much.

Cid Highwind sitting on his Tiny Bronco looking at the Rocket town, where he was from, and the rocket which he built. Which leads me to a question: If it is him who build the rocket and i believe that the name of the town come after the rocket, then how could it be his hometown? If Rocket town is truly his hometown, then what is the name of the town before he build the rocket? Who knows...

It is Cid's dream that one day he could go out to the outer space, and he managed to receive funds and support from Shinra Co. to build his dream rocket. However, due to some reasons, the flight just when it started flying off, causing the rocket to land back to ground and slanted side way. Ever since then, Shinra Co. moved their focus back to mako energy and leave the rocket to rust. While Cid spent most of his time sending request and hoping that Shinra Co. will once again support this rocket project.

After a long time, Rufus, the new president of Shinra Co. came to Rocket town, not to support his rocket project but wanted to expropriate his last flying craft, Tiny Bronco. He lost hope in Shinra Co. , without any purpose in life, he followed Cloud and others on their journey. Cid plays a rather important role in the original FF7 as he was the one who helps to pilot the aircraft, highwind, that Cloud and his team acquired later in the game.

Thats all for the 9 main playable characters in FF7, now i'm left with one last character, Sephiroth. But dont think i will write too much about him. Or maybe i just add a few more other FF7 wallpapers to the post.

By the way, remember that i mentioned that there is something interesting about the wallpapers? Yup, none of the wallpapers shows the face of the characters.

(uh-huh... , so... what's the big deal?) Nothing, just cant see their faces lo...

Continue in Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers V.


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