#026 XXVI twenty-six 二十六

This blog will be a special blog, because its number 26! Then what's so great about the number 26? Well, from what i can find...

In mathematics term, 26 is the only single number that is between a square number and a cube number, which are 5^2=25 and 3^3=27.
In science, 26 is the atomic number of iron.

Erm... by looking at this, 26 dont really seem special at all. To others, 26 may just be a whole number between 25 and 27, but it is special to me.

To those that dont understand what the hell i'm talking about, just ignore this blog.

To those that seems to understand but not meant for you, also ignore this blog.

To the one who understand why is 26 important to us,
in iew ow. =P


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