#025 More Maths!

Have not write any blog for quite sometime, spending most of the time going out, then when I'm at home, feel abit lazy to blog...

Recently i watched 2 consecutive Saturday midnight movie - season of the witch, 新少林寺. Both not bad, still watchable.

Tml is the start of sem2, 12.5% of uni life complete, still got a long way to go.
I still find that uni stuff are still quite confusing, missed my core registration period, got the elective i wanted but not the timing the i put on waitlist. Now have to plan how and what to add and drop during the add/drop period. So ma fan.... but that's life.

Still feels that i have not played enough.... and still don't have the mood to study. But it's okay, because most of my modules are maths. It really makes a different between
1)what you have to study - vs -
2)what you want to study, and
3)what you can study - vs -
4)what you avoiding to study.

Best situation is of course the combination of 2 and 3.

Worst case is having the combination of 1 and 4, this will really get you to nowhere and you must really do something about it fast.

Its really ironic that some people are the combination of 2 and 4, you got what you want to study, but yet avoiding or putting aside until the very last min to study. Good grades do not come so easily.

Having case 3 may be inborn, but if "talent" really isn't on your side, hardwork would make the different. I admin that when people say "1% talent and 99% hardwork", i will rebut that "it's the 1% that matters". But truthfully speaking, who can always get 100%? So if you are god damn sure and confident telling yourself that you tried your best, you did 99%, that's enough.
So what I'm trying to say is if you really tried your best, you wont have regrets no matter what is the outcome.

Currently i still can do the maths, maybe someday i will reach the level whereby my so-called talent unable to catch up anymore. I know that so long i try my best in doing what i like and what i want to study, i will make it, even if i don't, i have no regrets choosing this path.

All live Mathematics!


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