#010 Apple

What inspired me to write this blog about apple is that one day I suddenly recalled that my JC GP teacher once used apple as an analogy to discuss about finding the truth in science.

Not exactly word for word of what she had said, but the idea of what she said:
In the world of science, what is the truth?

Imagine the truth is an apple, if scientist A discovers that apple is “round”, scientist B discovers that apple is “sweet”, scientist C discovers that apple is “red”. Are any of their discoveries wrong? Not quite, then who has successfully discover what apple is? None, yet all of them are right, what they had discovered is just part of what apple is.

But what happen if another scientist D discovers that apple is “green”? If he is not wrong, doesn’t this contradicts with what scientist C had discovered? Yet both of them are not wrong, because there are apples that are red and apples that are green.

This leads me to start thinking – Then for years and centuries of perusing and studying science, will we ever find the “real” or “entire” truth? How do we know that what is the “absolute” truth that we are seeking? If we don’t know what are we trying to achieve, then how we are going to achieve it?
Is there something that completely explains what is apple?

What are we studying? We are merely learning that apple is "round", "sweet", "red", and sometime "green" too. Then what are we trying to learn and discover in lives?

When I was thinking about this using the apple analogy, I realised something – the word Apple is such an amazing word, with many profound meanings behind it.

Apple, unknowing is one of the first fruit we learn, or even the first word we learn when we are talking about English. Why?

Apple starts with letter A – the first letter in the 26 alphabets. When we are teaching children about alphabets, words and fruits. Apple is generally treated as red (there are green apples too), a bright and striking colour to attract children’s attentions, hence a great example and tool to start the ball rolling of teaching children English.

In some myths that tell story of the beginning of human beings, apple is regarded as the forbidden fruit, or fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The very fruit that changes (or should I say determined) how human’s life will be.

In the history of evolution of human beings, apple is known for inspiring someone to ask question about the nature of the world, and eventually discovered gravity.

In the modern world, some electronic product company, uses “apple” as the name for its brand, and its merchandises continues spreading worldwide. Replacing music players, replacing cell phones, replacing portable entertainments gadgets, and even competing with the world most commonly used computer OS (operating system), Windows.

Throughout the history of human existence, apple is seen everywhere. Is it coincident that all this happen by chance? Or did we deliberately use the word “apple” to make up myth, to inspire us, to earn money?
We don’t know, just the “apple” truth, we will never know…


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