#016 Final Fantasy VII - Enemy Skill Materia

Finally i got some time to talk about Enemy Skill Materia. In FF7, Enemy Skill is considered as one of the most useful materia, because it a few of its skills are rather quite useful, like White Wind, Big Guard, etc. They are essentially important for tough battles.

However, the guide didn't really emphasis on much on enemy skills, it just vaguely mention or didn't even talk about if for most of the time. So i just want write it in my blog so if there is every a chance I'm going to replay FF7 again, i know where to find the information about it.

First and foremost, where to find 3 out of 4 of the materia as soon as possible.

1) When first time entering Shinra Building, meeting Red XIII and after the fight with the Boss Ho512, the weird looking alien monster that uses poison. After the match, there is a enemy skill materia inside the specimen tank.

2) At Junon, when there is a chance, during Clould wearing back the Shinra Unit uniform, go to the shop that is in the foreground of the area, the row of shops at the "AP" lane. On the two long road, one is "DC", the other is "AP". Enter the shop, beside the stair there is a SOLDIER guarding the door, talk to him and go down, you will find the second materia.

3) At City of the Ancient, after the sleeping forest, go right lane, the house behind the first house. Then go all the way up the spiral, upon reaching the beds it will first prompt you if you wants to sleep, rest will continue on with the storyline, or maybe you want to rest later, behind the beds there is the third materia.

Now we talk about when, where and how to get the skill. I manage to find a list which i wrote long time ago, which i didn't even recall writing it, about where to learn the enemy skills, so i will just "copy and paste" it to this blog.

  • Matra Magic - anytime, outside Midgar, learn from Custom Sweeper, wait for it to cast the skill on you.

  • L4 Suicide - anytime, outside chocobo ranch, learn from Mu, wait for it to cast the skill on you.

  • Chocobuckle - anytime after learning L4 Suicide, Mideel Area (chocobo tracks), learn from L36 chocobo, feed it with green (Mimmett green or other greens also can, I'm not sure) then use L4 Suicide on it.

  • Flame Thrower - anytime after getting manipulate materia from Cait Sith, Mythril Mine, Arkdragon, manipulate it to cast on yourself.

  • Laser - first time in desert prison or anytime after disc3, in desert prison is the Death Claw, manipulate it. Or in Northern Crater, manipulate the Dark Dragon.

  • Big Guard - anytime, Corel area shoreline or Gold Saucer area shoreline, Beach Plug, manipulate it.

  • Aqualung - when fighting with Jenova LIFE (2nd time fighting Jenova), wait for it to cast.

  • White Wind - anytime, Junon area, Zemzelett, manipulate it.

  • Beta - anytime (strongly advise not before getting Highwind), Grassland area Marsh, Midgar Zolom, it will cast when it is injured bad enough.

  • Frog Song - anytime, Gongaga area Forest, Touch Me, it will cast on you.

  • Death Sentence - anytime, Corel Valley, Bound Fat, manipulate it.

  • ???? - either anytime at Nibelheim Shinra Mansion from Jersy, but chance of encounter is low. Or when return to Midgar - before reaching the railway tracks, Behemoth, wait for it to cast.

  • Trine - my advise it from Yuffie's Father Godo, after getting all 3 materia, then go Wutai to challenge the Pagoda tower. Or near the end of Gaea's Cliff, Stilvas, wait for it to cast.

  • Death Force - anytime, Wutai area Shoreline, Adamantaimai, manipulate it.

  • Magic Hammer - anytime, Wutai area, Razor Weed, manipulate it.

  • Bad Breath - disc3 Northern Crater Right path, Marlboro, wait for it to cast, advise, equip ribbon and have that character use White Wind after that Bad Breath.

  • Magic Breath - disc3 Northern Crater, Parasite, manipulate it.

  • Goblin Punch - anytime, Goblin Island, Goblin, manipulate it.

  • Shadow Flare - Ultima Weapon, it will cast on you.

  • Dragon Force - disc3 Northern Crater, Dark Dragon, manipulate it.

  • L5 Death - disc3 Northern Crater, Parasite, manipulate it.

  • Roulette - disc3 Northern Crater after learning Death Force, Death Dealer, cast Death Force on your team before manipulate it and use, best it use Death Force on Death Dealer too.

  • Angel Whisper - disc3 Northern Crater, Pollensalta, manipulate it.

  • Pandora's Box - ONE CHANCE ONLY, Northern Crater right path, FIRST time encounter Dragon Zombie, it will cast before dying. So the trick is prepare the materia, then when encounter it for the first time, kill it as fast as possible before it runs out of magic to cast you Pandora's Box. Use ether on it if necessary, it needs 110 MP to cast it, so remember to sense it to keep track of its HP and MP.

Well, that's about it. Hope nobody end up like me playing the game for the first time, unable to master 3 enemy skill materia.


1 comment:

  1. Muz b the 1 you working on when I went over. Lolx.. http://frznv.blogspot.com/ is my entire archive of memories. Xin knows but he lazy to read, I'm just telling ya the link, in case you decide to read my thots! Hahahax
