#015 End of 1st sem

Phew... finally all the exams are over, not quite used to uni exam. i did what i could, wrote what i can during the 2 hours. Now just wait patiently for the results in Jan 2011.

Seriously its a hug leap from JC maths and uni maths. Either is because i overestimated myself or 2 years of army cause me out of the "mathematics" league, or both. In the past the exam questions are like - do this this this, show blah blah blah, find, determine... they are sort of "direct" question, you need to identify which topic is it related to what you had study, and the method you had learn and apply. What was hard are some questions that have small traps or require small trick to solve it.

But how? Prove blah blah blah, prove BY DEFINITION, prove the statement is true or otherwise show a counter example... It had changed from "how fast and accurate can you calculate" to "how well you know your maths and how to you write and prove your point". Which i'm still not used to it. hopefully i can get hold of it soon, real soon.

Well, 1st sem ended, barely know any friends, not really a good sign. Hope next sem will be better, but please dont come so soon. Let me enjoy more. :)


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