#041 Milk tea overdose

Very often when my friends and I went for supper, some may worry about drinking milk tea will keep them awake and unable to sleep. Is that so? I wonder, it doesn't seems to affect me.

I love milk tea, I think most of my friends know about it. But what they didn't know was before I drink milk tea almost everyday, I drank coke almost everyday.

When I was still in secondary school, whenever I had dinner at home, I will have a can of coke together with my dinner. I have no idea how I started this habit. In the kitchen there is always a carton (24 cans) of coke. Whenever it's finished, I will follow my parents to NTUC fairprice and buy another carton.

Until one day, mom felt that I had been drinking too much coke, and started nagging me about I shouldn't drink so much coke. Slowly, I cut down on the consumption of coke. It seems rather a successfully attempt to cut down on drinking sweet drinks. But before I noticed, I had replaced coke with milk tea.

Drinking milk tea does make me alert, keep my brain thinking, especially during yr2 sem2 of my uni life, 4 days of 8.30 lesson. It's killing me... So very often I will have a cup of milk tea in the morning before lesson. And almost before every quizzes, tests or exams, I will also have milk tea.

Even when I will studying for exam, I often go to Hans or MOS Burger, drinking milk tea is a must. When I don't drink milk tea on the day of revision, I often could not focus or have a headache. Then was until recently, about a month ago, I began to think if I am over relying on milk tea?

So after exam, I try not to drink milk tea everyday, and guess what? Now instead of a cup of milk tea beside this laptop I'm using, it is a Kit Kat wrapper. Well... I guess I do have sweet tooth.


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