#036 Boring yet necessary process

Ever had the feeling that there is something that needed to be done, yet you just don't have the motivation to do so? Even if you know that it is beneficial to yourself?

It is commonly due to the process, the boring process.... Its either time-consuming or tiring. Simple example, exercising. Despite everyone knows that exercising is beneficial to our health, some people (including myself) just dont have the motivation to exercise.

I just went downstairs to do some running, my IPPT is on 11June. I know i need to train-up and be prepared for it, also running is a healthy habit. However, while i was running, just the within the 12 min of my life, i think otherwise.

I was cursing and swearing inside my heart thinking:
Why the hell do i need to go through this?
I should just give up, the worst case is to fail and go for PT, no big deal...
How can i down pes to pesE so i can just ROD and save all this trouble?
Will they suddenly abolish the policy of IPPT?

Now this questions may seems childish or stupid, but this questions just repeating bursting out of my mind while i was running. And their motives are the same - tell me to stop running.

To some other people, running may be the most enjoyable thing in their lives. They just enjoy running, i'm not sure if they are pushing themselves to do it on regular basis or they truly love running. I could not understand that feeling.

Similarly, I enjoy doing maths, the sense of accomplishment of finding the answer after constantly trying and thinking of new approach of solving the question. And also to learn about how incredible mathematics are, how every different theories or concepts fall perfectly together in place. Now i'm just finished year 1 maths, there is still a long way any many more things to learn...

Think i off track too much... what i was trying to say is that there are many process in life that are boring yet necessary. For instance, working - its boring to a lot of people yet its the most honest, morally upright way of earning money.

And what differs successful and less-successful people?
Putting luck aside, hardwork and self-motivation is the key.

No talent? its okay, you are losing others by just 1%.

No luck? it will come to you some day. I strongly believe that what goes up must come down and whats at the bottom will eventually come up. You will never run out of luck, just dont give up.

No motivation? Bye bye...

Its all in the mind, external factor can only influence but the decision is still yours. I have a chinese saying: 如果马儿不想喝水,你把它带到河边也没用。如果马儿想喝水,它自己会跑到河边的。

Hence, dealing with these boring yet necessary process. You have to motive yourself to get it done with. While I was running, i constantly "rebut my thoughts", if i fail this time, i have to do this stupid thing all over again, why torture myself twice? I can do it in the past, so can i do it again.

The moral of the story: Never give up.

Although i know the next time i run, the whole process will repeat itself again, but no choice, its part of our lives...
