#031 新语教学之学校篇

*Today while I'm on my way to school, I suddenly recalled several interesting words that we use when we were in primary and secondary school. So I have decided to write it down, thought my title is 教学 which mean teaching, i don't encourage anyone to learn or even practices it. These are just for laughter. *

For those who don't understand what i meant by 新语, its a short-form for 新加坡语 or more commonly known as Singlish. One more thing, if anyone spotted that i made any mistakes, please let me know.

Singlish is a unique language in Singapore, should we be proud of it? For now keep that answer to yourself, at the end of this blog, ask this same question to yourself again.

First and foremost, I shall write a sentence that I really did say it when I was on the phone with my friends. I didn't realise how bad it was myself until my girlfriend started laughing. I shall skip the rest of the conversation.

"If 我今晚 can make it for 宵夜, then 我再 let you know."

I believe most of you understand what I'm trying to say, right? This is the standard of Singlish that we should learn in this blog.

Always remember that Singlish often can be said in 2 ways - English or Chinese. But some can only be said in English or Chinese.

In school, we often need to name several stationery during our conversation in class. So we shall start by learning the correct saying of some stationery in Singlish. For objects that can be said in both languages, i will leave them out.
In the list below, I will state both its English and Chinese name plus how we say it in Singlish.

English/华语 ---------------- Singlish
Paperclip/回形针 ----------- Paperclip
Eraser/橡皮擦 -------------- Rubber
Stapler/订书机 ------------- Stapler
Staples/订书钉 ------------- Stapler bullets/ bullets
teacher/老师 --------------- Cher
Water-cooler/饮水器 ------- Water-cooler
Rubber band/橡皮筋 ------- Rubberband
Blu-tack/宝贴万用胶 ------- Blue-tack
Glue/胶水 ----------------- Glue

Now lets try to put them into sentence,

  • 我可以borrow你的stapler吗?Or 你有paperclip?

  • 你有没有glue还是blue-tack?

  • 我没有bullet liao.

  • Cher,我去water-cooler装水。

  • 我用rubber rub 了,but rub 不干净。

For the verbs it is more difficult to master when to use English and when to use Chinese, so we cover it in the future blog.

Are you able to follow so far? As a Singaporean I believe it isn't hard at all, if hard just put water to make it soft...

Now coming back to think of it, Singlish often brings laughter into our lives such as follow:

  • Can lend me your tissue? (Can, but please don't bother to return me after using.)

  • 你买这杯水还钱了吗?(我没欠那老板钱啊,还什么?)

  • 小弟,除了肉骨茶,你要饭吗? (你才要饭的,我要配饭吃。)

That's all for now, if the respond is good or I have any new ideas i will continue the next 新语教学.
