#021 Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers III

Continued from Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers II.

I think i should cut short on the introduction of the characters, starting to get a bit lazy. Anyway, remember i mentioned there is something interesting about the character wallpapers? Have you notice something in common? If no just continue looking at the rest of the picture, I'm sure you will find out eventually.

Aeris Gainsborough, known to be the last Ancient/Cetra on Gaia. Ancient (or also known as Cetra) is a race that similar to human beings on Gaia, they travel from planets to planets like immigration. Thousands of years ago, some settled down on Gaia while others moved on, and Aeris is last of the decadents of Cetra.

Aeris is looking at Highwind, an aircraft built by Shinra, but later become Cloud and his teams transport tool. However, by the time Cloud owns this aircraft, Aeris is already gone. She was killed by Sephiroth when she was praying at her White Materia, left by her mother, to summon the Holy magic to prevent Sephiroth from destroying the world. Though she died, her prayers were heard and thanks to that the world us saved.

Aeris is rather unfortunate, losing her mother at a very young age (killed by Shinra's pursuers). During her upbringing by her step mother, she has to constantly run away from Turks (a special agent group form by Shinra to do "dirty" works like kidnapping etc.). Yet, she remains cheerful and optimistic towards life. She once had a boyfriend, Zack, but this story wasn't really told or explained in the original FF7, more details are mention in the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.

In the Advent Children movie ending, the "spirits" of Aeris and Zack seems to reunion and together, they wish all the best for Cloud and believe that Cloud will live on strongly.

Red XIII, real name Nanaki, the code name red13 was given by Hojo when he captured Nanaki and using him as experiment specimen. For convenience sake, I will address him as Red XIII. During disc1 when Cloud first met Red XIII, he didn't introduce himself, as a result we the gamers will naturally name him Red XIII.

Even if you try to name him Nanaki, presuming you know his name before-handed; when you reaches Cosmo Canyon, Nanaki's hometown, Cloud will be surprised that his team mate Nanaki's real name is Nanaki. So my advice is not to know him his real name, Red XIII is just as fine.

Beside Red XIII is Seto, Red XIII's father, who Red XIII thought that he abandoned Cosmo Canyon and escaped when their hometown was attacked years ago. As the story goes on, Red XIII learnt that it was in fact, his father sacrificed himself to block off the enemy and asked Red XIII grandfather, Bugenhagen to seal the entrance behind him.

It is still a mystery why Red XIII's grandfather look so different from Seto and Red XIII, and Red XIII don't seems to be the last of his kind, as in the ending credit, we see that 500 years later, Red XIII had a couple of children (or maybe grandchildren) running with him. Red XIII is indeed a unique species in Gaia.

Yuffie Kisaragi, a materia hunter (or thief) who hope to bring back the former glory of her hometown Wutai. She is an optional character in the original FF7 game. Years ago, when Yuffie was just a girl, Wutai was having war with Shinra Co., fighting for their own freedom. In the end, Yuffie's father, Godo Kisaragi, who is also the representative of Wutai surrender to Shinra, and soon Wutai became a tourist attraction and materia were confiscated by Shinra.

As materia have magical powers and are crucial for fighting, Yuffie decided to travel around the world try to collect as much materia as she can to rebuild the fighting strength of Wutai. One day she encounter Cloud and his team and was defeated by them, so she decided to tag along with them, finding an opportunity to steal their materia.

After the Wutai event in original FF7, she continue to follow Cloud and others, not to steal their materia, but to hope that after the final showdown with Sephiroth, Cloud and others would have no further use of their materia, and all shall be hers.

Despite saying that she is a thief and always up to no good and stuff, Yuffie is still a kind hearted, hyper and playful girl who is essential to brighten up the days for Cloud and his team.

Continue in Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers IV.


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