#020 Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers II

Continued from Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers I.

I will arrange the character posters similar to the order of them joining Cloud in his journey.

Barret Wallace, believing that defeating Sephiroth will save the world, Barret joins Cloud on his journey. Barret is first introduced to be leader of AVALANCHE, a rebellion group in Midgar, sabotaging and destroying the reactors to slow down the mako draining process.

In the wallpaper Barret is carrying Marlene on his shoulder, standing in a Church in Midgar. Marlene is the daughter of Dyne, Barret's best childhood close friend. Think i shall not talk about too much of the history of Barret or his storyline, else i will keep going on and on and the whole blog will become very lengthy and dry.

In short, back at Barret and Dyne's hometown, North Corel, Barret strongly encourage the elders and Dyne to accept the offer from Shinra Co., which is to build a reactor in North Corel. At that time, Barret truly believes Shinra Co. and the reactor will bring prosperity to their hometown.

However one day, for some unknown reason the reactor exploded, burning the whole town into ash. While Barret and Dyne were on their way rushing back to save whatever that is left, they encounter Shinra's troop, which is trying to silence everyone to cover up the incident. Dyne fell off the cliff, Barret lost his right hand but managed to escape. When he got back to his hometown, he found Marlene, who is still a baby.

Barret adopted Marlene, taking care of her like she is his own daughter. Feeling guilty that he was the one who persuade everyone, including Dyne to accept Shinra's offer, end up causing this incident, he began to hold grudge on Shinra. He replaced his lost hand with a gun and try to stop every single reactor from draining "life" from the world, Gaia. (Gaia is the name of their planet, like ours is Earth)

Tifa Lockhart, childhood friend of Cloud, wasn't really close during childhood time though. She is sitting on the well (not exactly that kind of well that people throw a bucket into and draw water from it), in Nibelheim. The very place where Tifa wanted Cloud to make a promise that when one day she is in danger, he will come to rescue her.

When young, Tifa often has couple of boys gathering around her, which do not include Cloud. She practically didn't know Cloud at all, except that they live in the same hometown. Until one day, Cloud asked her out to meet at the well, which was in the centre of the town. Telling her that he plans to become a SOLDIER of Shinra and become famous, like Sephiroth.

After Cloud left, Tifa began to grow curiosity about Cloud, starts to read up on news from Shinra hoping to find something regarding Cloud. Tifa continue to live in Nibelheim until one incident, where Sephiroth come to Nibelheim and found out the truth about his own past. Sephiroth started slaughtering everyone on sight and burns down the entire town.

Tifa, who was also severely injured was then brought to Midgar by her martial arts teacher, Zangan. Zangan didn't appear in the main storyline, only in the Cloud's flashback. In Midgar, Tifa met Barret and for some reasons they became more than just friends*(1). Tifa runs a bar named "7th Heaven", which is also the hideout for Barret's AVALANCHE group. And when Barret is out for "mission", Tifa will take care of Marlene for him.

Until one day, when she found Cloud semi-consciously laying at the train station, she brought Cloud back to her bar and take care of him. After Cloud recovered, despited that Tifa notice something different about Cloud, especially part of his memory, Tifa remained silent and decided to stick with Cloud try to find out what happened to Cloud during the seven years that he left Nibelheim.

Well, now only 3 characters so far, i still have Aeris, Red XIII, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Vincent, Cid and lastly, Sephiroth.

*(1) this 'more than just friends' does not refer to any love content. I'm merely saying that they are more than just acquaintances. As Tifa helps to take care of Marlene while Barret is not around.

Continue in Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers III.


1 comment:

  1. Tifa and Barret never became "more than just friends", everyone knows her love interest was in Cloud.
