#019 Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers I

Long live holiday! Sad to say this kind of things doesn't last long. At least we still have school holiday when we are studying, when we start working, we will sure miss these days...

Anyway, just suddenly feel like posting some of the wallpapers from the original FF7. Surely the graphics aren't as fascinating as nowadays posters, but its a 1997 product, what do you expect? i uploading the pictures directly from my computer, instead of putting to photobucket and get the url link etc...

First wallpaper: Midgar. For those who played FF7 on their computer, this is probably the first picture you see during the installation setup.

A giant city run by Shinra Electric Power Company, which drains mako energy (lifestream) from the ground to use as electricity, similar to we pumping crude oil as power energy source. As the result of extracting the mako energy from the ground, the entire plot of land seems dark, lifeless and without any grasses or trees.

Its some sort of a regular octagon shape, with 8 reactors (the power plants that pump mako energy up from the ground) on each vertex, and from each reactor there is wall link to the center of Midgar, slicing Midgar into eight sectors. There used to be names for each sector, but soon they forgotten the names and are replaced with numbers, i.e. sector 1, sector 2, etc... And their lives there are like slum.

In the middle of Midgar, there is a plate build above the 8 sectors, something like a "upper-world" where people that are more useful to Shinra Co., mostly employees, lives on this upper plate. And in the centre of the plate, is the Shinra Building, the heart of Midgar and Head Quarters of Shinra Co. .

The game will spend about 30% of the storyline in disc1 in Midgar, though we are unable to explore all 8 sectors. Only roughly 3 (i cant really remember) sectors and 2 reactors are involved in the storyline. After which, the main character will leave Midgar and will only come back again near the ending of disc2.

Personally, I think that it is trying to hint us the possible future of our world, if we continue to blindly extract natural resources from our mother land for personal benefits, the world will soon be dark and lifeless, just the the picture.

Cloud Strife, the main character of FF7, facing the Shinra Building, carrying Buster Sword on his back. I notice something interesting about all the character's wallpaper, after a few more wallpaper see if you will notice it.

Anyway, the Buster Sword soon became a trademark for FF7, a huge, long, broad, thick, single edge sword with 2 holes on the body of the blade. When FF7 origin first came out, Buster Sword is just a rather plain sword, not much details is put on the sword. (In fact, it is just the inital sword, less than 2 hours of game play it will be replaced by a better sword.) Personally i even thought that the two holes are meant for equipping materia, since there is no precise explaination of where was materia equipped during that time.

After about 8 years later, in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (2005), it is the first time that they show how and where was materia actually equipped. Kadaj actually "insert" the materia directly in to his own arm, and the materia just dissolve into his arm and glows from inside.

But this leads me to a question, then in FF7 origin, why was the amount of materia that one able to equip depends on the weapon and armor? Shouldn't it be the lenght of the character's arm? Haha, but it doesn't really matter. It is still a great game and it is still a great movie.

Continue in Final Fantasy VII - wallpapers II.


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