#038 Once upon a tea time

The Ugly Duckling (short version)
Once upon a time, there is a little ugly duckling.
One day, it grew up to become a beautiful swan.

The End.

The Tortoise and the Hare (the rematch)
The hare learned his lesson from the race and decided to challenge the tortoise again to vengeance for his lost.
The tortoise is willing to accept the challenge on the request that he gets to choose the route for the race, the hare accepted.
In the end, the tortoise won the race again. And the hare is still stuck at the river bank.

The End.
P.S. if you happen to see a rabbit by a river, let it knows that the race is over.

The Emperor's New Clothes (emperor's diary)
What happened 5 years ago had proven that my people seriously needed to be educated.
It had been 4 years since I implemented the 3 education enhancement policies:
1) Spending one-third of my country’s resources on education.
2) Compulsory education for children primary school age (age 7).
3) Half-yearly countrywide Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test, adults (age 18) scoring below 200 (the minimum requirement to see THAT clothing) will have to attend 20 secessions of remedial classes.

I am glad to see that the result of the IQ test increases exponentially.
For the past 2 years, the average score for the adults is around 208.
It is all thanks to my adviser, who suggested that giving them the same questions will improve their IQ more efficiently and quickly.

Even though I long wished to put on THAT clothing again to show my people, my adviser always strongly disagree, explaining that young kids have yet to achieve the IQ of 200.

What he said is quite true; therefore I never wore THAT clothing since then. Besides, I could not find it since I took it off 4 years ago.

The End.


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