#037 live to love or love to live? part 1

From the title sounds like its going to be a profound blog. not really actually, i just randomly come up with that name.

I wanted to write this blog for quite some time but I don’t have the mood to start writing. Now since that I have some free time, I better get my hand working. If not this blog will start to grow spider web….

I have a couple of things to touch on – having or not having boy/girlfriend, boy/girlfriendS or future husband/wife, love or sex, what’s after marriage. Well, not sure if I have the mood tonight to say so much, maybe I just talk about first one and leave the rest for future blogging.

Having or not having boy/girlfriend?
To save trouble, I just use the term girlfriend.

What is girlfriend?
A female friend which would hold your hand even while not playing games?
A female friend who doesn’t mind you boosting around that she is yours?
A female friend who you can wrap your arms around without her screaming?

Do you like her or love her? Or she is for you to tell your other guy friends that “Hey, I have a (this) girlfriend, just like you (pointing at those with girlfriends).”

I not very sure if I had mentioned the following thoughts, which I used to have, to her (I think I did mention but not in detail):

More than 5 years ago, “girlfriend” is a word that seems unreachable. It a word that “wa… so good…” if one can hold it (her) in his hand. It is a word that I will think about every night “when will I get one?”

Looking at a girl, thoughts like – “will she accept me if I confess?”, or when a girl smiles – “is she interested in me?” will surface to my mind.

Looking at friends around me “why and how did they get a girlfriend?” I don’t remember who but I believed I did ask some of my friends questions like “how to do talk to a girl” or “what do you all talk about?”

I’m quite sure these are some of the thoughts that guys without girlfriend will be thinking of. But I must say this kind of thinking is WRONG!

Ya, I know. I used to think that way too. I did stupid stuff before too, said stupid things before too, and thought of stupid ideas before too. That is why I do not wish to see others following my footsteps.

Important, girls are NOT objects, they have feelings too. They are not toys which 3 years old kid (we guys) would say “I want!”

Shame on us… wanting a girl just because we think she is “chio”. But,
1) how well do we know her?
2) what is her personality?
3) how does she deal with problems?

Note: these are the 3 main questions that guys don’t give a damn when they are attracted to a girl.

After spending tons of effort, money, creative ideas to woo her. Finally win her “heart” and have a girlfriend. Finally have a sweet honeymoon period. But what comes after that?

Miscommunication, misunderstanding, fails to communication, fails to understand each other, unable to solve the problems. Start to tell yourself “we are not meant for each other”, “I don’t like her actually”, “why can’t we be together?”, “what happen between us?”

I tell you what happen… the root of the problem lays in the 3 questions I mentioned above. Guys often fail to understand the girl before telling himself “I like her”. While the girl, blinded by the fanciful stuff that a guy would do for her, thinking that this will last forever, fall for that guy.

Shit…. I’m writing halfway and started to forget the main idea for this blog…

Okay, to put it simple. Girlfriend is NOT an object that you want it, you try to get one. She is not for you to show off to others but to show your true self to her. Being Mr. Nice guy cannot last forever, honeymoon will run out of “money” (also refers to creative ideas, patients and interest)

If you are thinking of a girl or even girls right now, ask yourself this…
Is she a wants or needs?


Once again, girls are NOT objects. But also don’t start saying philosophy things like “oh… let the nature take its course” or “see fate, when it is time it will come”

You do have to put in effort to win a girl, but only when you know and have the right mind set.

What is the right mind set? Well, I have told you what the wrong mind sets are.


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