#017 My Life, My Game

I like playing games, not those bonding, ice-breaking, that kind, but those that can seat down with a couple of close friends, spend a couple of hours playing together. Before i start buying games, i only have chinese chess with me, which seldom have people playing with me and it is limited to 2 players. Hence i started buying games.

i also cant recall when was it, but one day i just decided to buy a game, can be card or board game from settler's cafe, a board game cafe near my house. i think the first game i bought was Citadels (not Citadel, its an entire different game). Really quite enjoy it, playing with friends of course. Not long later i bought Munchkin (version 1), and also i enjoyed playing with my friends. But there is once at we played the game at one of my friend's house, i think we spent about 3 hours playing it, that stupid friendship potion, but still i really enjoyed it.

After sometime, i went to buy Saboteur. It is then i realised it is quite fun to play games that involved cheating and bluffing. But at the same time i notice that its isn't cheap to buy this games. Although it is cheaper than going those board game cafes, but a simple card game is like 30+, for those with tokens or figurines or models will be 50+. And i cant buy those big board games, not convenient to bring around and definitely not cheap.

One day, just a random day going out with friends, i saw a new card game 三国杀, as a fan of Three Kingdoms, i surely won't miss this chance to buy that game. The drawings are amazing, when one likes something, everything about it will be will catch the lover's attention, chinese call it 爱屋及乌. I guess i that is what happened to me.

Soon, i start thinking, why will i keep spending money to buy games? Of course, I'm not saying those games i bought don't worth the money. I must say I'm impressed by the people who thought of the games. And if part of the money i spend on their games goes to them, i think they deserve it.

Anyway, so i started thinking that why not I try to make some games too? Games are created by human, so can i create something. Hence i start my "project", the first one that i started was rather too complex and difficult to accomplish, so it was put aside.

During the time around my birthday, one of my oldest friend bought me the game 风声, the second chinese based card game, after 三国杀. Playing consecutively 3 bluffing and cheating games (Saboteur, 三国杀, 风声), i began to feel tired, not that I'm bored of those games. But tired of cheating and bluffing every time.

During one fine day, an idea on creating stuck me. So i decided to focus on trying to make that game. After several days of drawing, scanning into computer, colouring and print it out. I finally made the game, it may not be as nice as those games that are sold outside, but i must say i did my best to make it. I'm quite glad that the result is so nice that some of my friends doubt that it was drawn and made by me.

After trying out the game once, they kindly start giving me feedback, though i may be disheartened by some of the things they say, but generally they meant well. And i really appreciate their feedback.

Back home, i started thinking, so should i modify the game? Or just let it be? Now I'm having my 1st sem break, surely i want to make full use of the time, so making the game will take up quite alot of my holiday and it may just turn out that no one will want to play it.

After discussing with my love, i decided to just go on modifying the game. Who knows, maybe one day i can sell it for profit. Even if i cant sell it, no one plays it, and the game was throw in one corner. I know that someday, when i take it out and look at it. I will know deep inside myself that if i want to do something, i can make it happen. Even if none of my friends appreciates it, i am proud of my own work and i will strife to do better.

Of course, that is the last resort. I do hope that people, or at least my friends will like this game - Fish.


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