#045 Do you believe in the Almighty Bell Curve God?


 "You shall not pass!"
Gandalf in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring

I wonder how many people are familiar with this phrase. To me, it is the classic phrase in the first of the Lord of the Ring trilogy. To some people, it is a CURSE.

There are several parody on the Internet relating this phrase with examination (I wonder who started it). Nevertheless, I do find it interesting that it can be used as a pun for exams.

For those that are less worried about just getting a pass, there is another thing that they (especially the undergrads) fear - The Bell Curve God! (BCG)

He (assuming is male) is The One that most undergrads worship and feared. They may joke about him, not believing in him, but when the exam is around the corner, it is always safer to be superstitious and pray that he will give us a lending hand to get a better grade.

Do I believe in him? I shall put this question aside for now and talk about me thoughts about grades and BCG first.

Yes, I still have one more semester before I graduate and I would most likely be taking Supervised independent Study II, together with my FYP with DSO. So perhaps it is too early to comment about the BCG, in case there really exists karma and offending BCG during my final semester isn't a good way to end my Uni study life.

But no worry! I do not have any module left that requires examination, nor is bell-curve going to affect the remaining 2 modules that I will be taking in the final semester.
(While I was writing about my uni study life, I realised it is long enough to be a new post by itself. So story about my uni life will be in the next post.)

Well... So now back to answering this sensitive question.

Oh... look at the time, time to sleep le. I shall answer it another time ba...


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