#013 My Final Fantasy Histories

At first wanted to blog about FF7 - enemy skill materia. But having exam recently so don't have the time and mood to consolidate the information to write about it... Instead, i just name various Final Fantasy things that i tried and like...

First of course is Final Fantasy 7, i still remember the first time i tried playing, i borrowed the computer version of FF7 from my cousin to try, but upon meeting the first boss, the scorpion thing, i lost. Immediately, i gave up and returned the discs back to my cousin...

Until god knows when, one fateful day, i was so bored and asked my cousin if there is any game to introduce me to play. Then she offered my FF7 again, but at tat time i totally forgot that i had tried the game before. So unknowingly, i reinstalled the game to my computer (think its about after a year plus, as i had changed a new computer), and face the same boss again.

But this time i miraculously i won, actually that time i still didn't know that i should attack it when its tail is up (for those who played FF7 should know). So i actually just keep whacking with brute force plus spamming potion and finally win it.

Come to think of it, if i were to lose to it again, maybe until today i still don't give a damn about Final Fantasy. And so, my journey on playing Final Fantasy starts on that fateful day, which i forgot when was it.

Feeling so fascinated about the materia, magic, and strategies to fight, i began to get addicted to it. i managed to borrow the guide book from someone and zap the entire book to read, i cant wait to start breeding and riding chocobos, play the submarine mini game, see how does omnislash looks like etc. But a crisis soon falls on the beginning if disc 2.

For some unknown reason, whenever i try to get through the event at the Northern Crater, the part where alot of conversation, knowing that Cloud didn't actually went back to Nibelheim as a 1st Class SOLDIER, giving Sephiroth the Black Materia, wakening of the Weapons--- the very moment the scene that the Diamond Weapon crawling out from the ground, the game hangs!

Every time, without fails, the game hangs on that scene. As a result, i cant proceed on with the game! i cant do alot of things, Chocobo racing, getting Knights of the Round materia etc... No matter what i tried, leaving Northern Crater and come back again, go travel everywhere i could with the buggy and tiny bronco. And before i know, i was level 90+ and the clock in the game stuck at 99:99:99 (99 hours, 99 min, 99 secs).

But i was unwilling to give up just like tat, i tried asking around my friends to borrow a disc 2 to try, but what they have are the Play Station version disc, which i also tried, but cant. After a very long time, staring at the guide book imagining what it is like after i pass tat scene, i decided to try configure the graphics of the FF7, i also cant remember the detail how i tried, most likely anyhow try. And one day, i finally manage to pass through the scene.

I was so excited about it and so happy, i finally can continue the game for so long. All my characters are level 90+, except Red XIII, because when in the Northern Crater, i entrusted the Black Materia to him, so as a result i cant choose him to part of my party member during the time i stuck, most of the time i use Cid and Tifa.

Soon, i complete the game, beating Ruby Weapon, Emerald Weapon too. But i soon realised that i can never master all 3 enemy skill materia, and i forgot to collect the Ramuh Materia at the first chocobo race waiting lobby, thus i can never create Master Summon Materia.

So i replayed the whole game, this time, is then the first time i realised tat i should attack the first boss when its tail is up. By following carefully as the guide book suggested, reading information from websites, i complete the game again, with everything. The only disappointment of the game is tat in the game there is only 2 mystile armors. It was until many years later, when i have PSP, and got the FF7 game in PSP and replay the game, then i realised there is a way to get the 3rd mystile. That is why in the Final Fantasy Fan blog, the first thing i post about was the mystile armor.

But the PSP thing was many years later, when i complete the game for the second time, think i was in secondary 2 or 3. After that, i started playing FF8 on computer also, my 5th uncle bought me the computer version FF8. (Actually it was once i went out with my uncle then i saw FF8 so i bugged my uncle to buy me the game). And my second (third actually) round of Final Fantasy journey starts.

Soon before i notice, i completed the game again, beating Omega Weapon of coz. But i guess because i was yearning to continue the FF7 game for too long, so i like FF7 much more that FF8, also i not used to the GF stuffs. So i do like FF8 but not as much as FF7.

But i didn't continue FF9, because i don't have Play Station, and there wasn't computer version. So the Final Fantasy Fever cooled down for awhile, but not for long. Because Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children came out.

I think during that time (sec 4 i think), the graphics of the movie was best of the best. Oh, and in between FF7 and FF7AC, there was a movie Final Fantasy : the Spirit Within, it caught alot of people attention, but soon people realised that it doesn't really link much with any of the Final Fantasy series games.

During JC time, the official FF7AC DVD is coming to Singapore, i still remember i immediately went to MJ (Music Junction) store to pre-order the DVD, even though i had already watch it through some other means. I still remembered that the shipping was delayed, and i went everyday to the store to ask, even though they told me it will take a few days.

Not long after FF7AC, in 2007. Crisis Core : Final Fantasy 7 came out in PSP. But sad to say, i don't have PSP that time, and cant afford to buy. In addition, A level was coming soon so i didn't ask for it, and after A level will be National Service. So i didn't plan to buy, yet.

For some reason they soon came out with the entire Compilation of FF7 - From Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus. They really know how to make money. But sadly i don't have PSP or PS2, so i couldn't play Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core.

Not long later, Dissidia : Final Fantasy came out. After 3 years of waiting i finally get my first PSP (second handed), during 2nd year of NS. Again, very quickly, i completed most of Dissidia storyline and finish Crisis Core, and replay it, to collect most of the stuff. THEN, an other crisis falls... my PSP was stolen.

I don't wanna recall the details anymore, but my patapon 2, Dynasty Warrior : Strike Force and many more records, all gone... I only happen to backup my Crisis Core save games in my computer. Think after more than half a year, i then bought a new PSP again.

Then Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Complete appear out of nowhere, only on PS3, i was so tempted that i almost wanna buy a PS3 just to watch the same movie with some editing. In the end i didn't buy, and watched the movie through other means again.

Soon enough, Final Fantasy 13 english version came out. And truly thanks to many of my great friends, they bought me a PS3 with FF13 plus guide book as my birthday present. I'm truly touched and really enjoyed the game alot.

I didn't really thanks them personally so far, so i take this chance to thanks them. The following list is written by Andy, hope he didn't leave anyone out.
  • Andy
  • Wei Xin
  • Jacqueline
  • Kia Tar
  • Clement
  • Han Hong
  • Hui Ting
  • Zaewe
  • Guo Neng
  • Chee Siong
  • Wei Yue
  • Sien Mae
  • Clara
  • Pei Ying
  • Brandon
  • Chin Keong
  • Fu Qi
  • Kenneth Goh
  • Olivia
  • Elvin
  • Mingde
  • Stella
Thank you guys, i really love it. :)

Well, think i wrote too much that i forgotten whats my focus for this blog. Think i should just end it here. Last paper on next Tuesday, Calculus I. Wish me luck!


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