#007 Journey to the West

Today is 25 Nov 2010,
for this week lessons, MTH 110 and MTH 114 are having e-learning week. So this week was rather free, today only have an hour MTH 112 lecture at 1.30 - 2.30pm. But today i left house at 12.15pm, just nice a few min before lecture starts, lect ends rather on time, i reach home at 3.45pm.

12.15 - 3.45pm is 3.5 hrs! I spent 2.5 hrs on travelling? The phrase "time flies" fits perfectly in this situation. For the first year i'm staying in hall, can wake up at around 7.30am for 8.30 lesson. Even have enough time for a bath and breakfast and walk to South Spine for lesson. If i wanna go for 8.30 lesson from home, i have to leave house by latest 6.15am! Its too time consuming and tiring thing to do.

But on the other hand, its not cheap to stay in hall... They claim to be $160 per month, but from the bill, its $40 per week. Some joker (already got one) already ask me "isn't it the same? 1 month is 4 weeks wat?" <----- yet studying accounting, really joker. I must stress - the only month that is 4 weeks is February, and it occurs only 3 times every 4 years (generally). For the rest of the months, they are 30 or 31 days, equivalent to approximately 4.2857 or 4.4286 (correct to 4 decimal places) weeks! Does this 0.4 weeks plus matters? Of cos! E.g. Take from Sept to Dec (4 months) for example. $160 per month, so i pay $640? WRONG!

122/7=17.4285 (4 dec. pl.) weeks
In addition there is wat transfer fee, miscellaneous fee, etc...
Its over $730++.

I'm not complaining about the fee dont tally with wat they claim initially, i know staying in hall do cost money. What i wanna say is i'm in between the choice of money and time.
Money - from my parents, its isn't cheap for them to pay for my uni tuition fee, hall fee, pocket money...
Time - time wasted on travelling, time to spend with family, to spend with fish, to spend with frens (sorry ppl, you are placed after her. =P), etc...

But next year i wont be staying in hall, so its left with how i manage my time and try to find things to do during the travelling time (so it wont be totally wasted). Wonder how will it be like in the future... Okay, enough diarying... Time for other stuff... Oh! Forgot to mention why the title in Journey to the West, cos my school is in the west of Singapore, what else?

Wei Ni


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